De Unie
Een oproep tot solidariteit
Within Team Into The Great Wide Open, there are serious concerns about the state of the world. Not that the people in our organization know how everything should be. What they do realize is that we must do our best for a free and fair society.
This awareness begins with recognizing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as adopted by the United Nations in 1948 - but with the necessary adjustments for the current times, thanks to Amnesty International.
The Union tries to get as many people as possible behind The Declaration, starting with the ticket buyers of Into The Great Wide Open 2024. Thus, The Union starts small, with the hope and expectation that besides the visitors of Into The Great Wide Open, those of other festivals, venues, and institutions will also actively support the Declaration. Undoubtedly, this will create a movement with supporters striving in word and deed for a solidary, just world.
The Union is not from Into The Great Wide Open: it is an invitation for everyone who resonates with this to shape their own protest voice.
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The full statement, with contemporary commentary, can be found below.
In the lead-up to the festival and during the festival, we, together with others, try to ask the right questions. We don't have all the answers, but we want to give space to thinkers and doers who can shed a different light on these issues. In the coming months, this page will slowly fill with contributions from writers, artists, and creators.
For questions, feedback, or input, you can email