Our festival is supported by a society that provides us with advice, action, and a financial donation. Sign up and experience the festival up close as a Lighthouse Keeper, even behind the scenes. There are still spots available for 2025.
The society is a club of about 125 enthusiasts, consisting of both individuals and entrepreneurs, who hold the festival dear to their hearts. The Lighthouse Society makes it possible to continue presenting the special things on the edge of our program.
As a Lighthouse Keeper, you financially support the festival with a contribution of at least €675 (excl. VAT). As a thank you for your support, you are guaranteed to purchase four festival tickets and we will mention your name on our website if desired. In addition, we organize several meetings throughout the year somewhere in the country to catch up, network, share ideas, and discuss developments. You are, of course, not obligated to attend, but we greatly appreciate it; the feedback and input from Lighthouse Keepers is valuable to us. Finally, donors are invited to the opening of Into The Great Wide Open as well as for guided tours during the festival.
‘Our festival is supported by an association that provides us with advice, action, and a financial donation.’
How do you ensure that your festival stands out, connects with people, and remains financially healthy? How strange is it to receive money from donors, and why would anyone actually donate to a festival? To uncover this, POST spoke with Ferry Roseboom, co-founder of ITGWO, and several donors who are referred to as Lighthouse Keepers.
The Great Wide Open Foundation has the status of a cultural ANBI. When making a donation to an organization with ANBI status, it is possible to deduct the gift from your taxable income. How much you can deduct depends on the type of gift and the size of the gift. Good to know: donations to different organizations with ANBI status may be added together. The foundation is happy to advise on this.
See our calculation module to calculate what the tax benefit is in your specific situation.
The Music Store
Peter & Francis
It will have
Nielen Family
Regulation fee
Dick and Anneke
Henkjan Olthuis
Unravel | incentives and events
Hoogtij BV
Andre Peschar
Sabine Wildevuur
Traffic education and advice
The Fresh Agency
Siempie's B.V.
Complicated Ltd.
Sjaak & Nout Concepts
Rolf van der Veer
Nell & Sjaak
Nadine Smets
Catharina Th. Bakker
Improve + Results / Sofie Lambooy
Arthur & Ansje
Victoria & Wybe
Cat Consult
Remi Rosendahl
Angeline Swinkels photography
STORM in recruitment Zwolle
José and Tijmen
Van Gerwen for a Change
J. van der Horst
Carel Klaver
In the Dunes
BKB | The Campaign Bureau
Lagro Office
Spa Hotel Brown
The story of life
Abel Iwema
Hanneke Soeting Projects
Sem Bakker Legal Practice
Gouweleeuw Metaal B.V.
Partners for Innovation
Anja Aaldering
Film in Friesland
Schagen Group
GROWE heat network development
BART // Experience design
Thalassa, house in the dunes.
Andre & Biba
'Always Wad'
Stef de Vries in loving memory
BHVsite.nl takes care of safety at this and other festivals
City Lab Groningen/ Keypro furnishing
Dutch Dream Group - Hénk and Karin Pals
Hein Van Putten / Hendrikdetiende.nl
Fred Wondergem & Yvon Beemsterboer
the Main Stage - Philosophy
projects, conversations & thought experiences -
Anja van der Werf and Rick van der Linde
Hein Van Putten / Hendrikdetiende.nl
Fred Wondergem & Yvon Beemsterboer
the Main Stage - Philosophy
projects, conversations & thought experiences -
Anja van der Werf and Rick van der Linde
Hein Van Putten / Hendrikdetiende.nl
Fred Wondergem & Yvon Beemsterboer
the Main Stage - Philosophy
projects, conversations & thought experiences -
Anja van der Werf and Rick van der Linde
Hein Van Putten / Hendrikdetiende.nl
Fred Wondergem & Yvon Beemsterboer
the Main Stage - Philosophy
projects, conversations & thought experiences -
Anja van der Werf and Rick van der Linde
Fabula Vita
Karin & Jan
Onno Verkuyl
Charlotte ten Brinck & Suzanne de Groen
Hein Van Putten / Hendrikdetiende.nl
Fred Wondergem & Yvon Beemsterboer
Charlotte ten Brinck & Suzanne de Groen
Klaver and van Banning General Practitioners - "Doctors in Zandvoort"